Power of the Universal Water (From 16 to el 28 de July 2016 – Year 10 Wizard & 11 Storm) N S 1. 28. 13. 20. Limi. Jade. Mantra: HRUM. Solar Plexus. UPC Kin 257 (Saturday 7-17-2016) RED MAGNETIC…
Categoría: Wavespell
Wavespell of the Yellow Warrior-11
Power of the Intelligence. From 3 to 15 July 2016 – Año Mago 10 N S 1. 28. 13. 7. Silio. Gold. Mantra: HRAIM. Heart. UPC Kin 244 (Sunday 7-3-2016) YELLOW MAGNETIC WARRIOR-KIN 196 WARRIOR: Action: QUESTION. Power: INTELLIGENCE.…
Wavespell of the Blue Night-11
Power of the Abundance (From June 20 to July 2 – 2016 -Year Wizard 10) N S 1. 28. 12. 22. Dali. Onix. Mantra: OM. Crown. UPC Kin 243 (Monday 6-20-2016) BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT-KIN 183 NIGHT: Action: DREAM. Power:…
Wavespell of the White Dog-11
Power of the Heart. (Since June 7 to 19 to 2016 – YEAR 10 WIZARD) N S 1. 28. 12. 9. Seli. Obsidian. Mantra: HRAM. Routh. UPC KIN 228 (Tuesday 6-7-2016) WHITE MAGNETIC DOG – Kin 170 DOG: Action:…
Wavespell of the Red Earth-11
Power of the Navigation (Since May 25 to June 6 – 2016 – Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 11. 24. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Third Eye. UPC KIN 148 GAP (Wednesday 5-25-2016) RED MAGNETIC EARTTH- KIN 157…
Wavespell of the Yellow Seed-11
Power of the Flowering (From May 12 to 24 – 2016 -Year Wizard 10) N S 1. 28. 11. 11. Kali. Plata. Mantra: HRIM. Secret Center. UPC KIN 212 (Thursday 5-12-2016) YELLOW MAGNETIC SEED-Kin 144 SEED: Action: TARGET. Power: FLOWERING.…
Wavespell of the Blue Monkey-10
Power of the Magic (From April 26 to May 11, year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 10. 26. Alfa. Turquesa. Mantra: HRAUM. Garganta. UPC KIN 154 GAP (viernes 4-29-2016) BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY – Kin 131 – Mystic Column-Harmonic…
Wavespell of the White Mirror-10
Power of the ENDLESSNESS. (From 16 to 28 Abril Year 10 Wizard- Gregorian Calendar Year 2016) N S 1. 28. 10. 13. Limi. Jade. Mantra: HRUM. Solar Plexus. UPC KIN 194 (Saturday 4-16-2016) WHITE MAGNETIC MIRROR-KIN 118 MIRROR: Action:…
Wavespell of the Red Serpent-10
Power of the Life Force. (From 3 to 15 April Year 10 Wizard- Gregorian Calendar Year 2016) N S 1. 28. 9. 28. Silio. Gold. Mantra: HRAIM. Heart. UPC KIN 155 GAP (Sunday 4-3-2016) RED MAGNETIC SERPENT-KIN105 SERPENT: Action:…
Wavespell of the Yellow Human-10
Wavespell of the Blue Storm-10
Power of the SELF-GENERATION (From Mars 8 to 20 – Year 2016- Wizard 10) N S 1. 28. 9. 2. Seli. Obsidian. Mantra: HRAM. Root. UPC KIN 106 PAG (Tuesday 8-3-2016) BLUE MAGNETIC STORM – KIN 79 – NMBER…
Wavespell of the White Worldbridger-10
Power of the Death. (From February 23 to Mars 7 to 2016 – Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 8. 17. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Third Eye. UPC KIN 159 (Tuesday 2-23-2016) WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER – KIN 66…
Wavespell of the Red Skywalker-10
Power of Space (From February 10 to 22 to 2016 – Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 8. 4. Kali. Silver. Mantra: HRIM. Secret Center. UPC KIN 93 PAG (Wednesday 2-10-2016) RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER – KIN 53 SKYWALKER:…
Wavespell of the Yellow Sun-10
Power of the Universal Fire From Jeanery 28 to February 9 to 2016- Year 2016 N S 1. 28. 7. 19. Alfa. Turquoise. Mantra: HRAUM. Throat. UPC KIN 135 (Thursday 1-28-2016) YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN-KIN 40 – P. V. SUN:…
Wavespell of the Blue Hand-10
Power of the Accomplishment (From jeanery 15 to 27 – 2016 – Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 7. 6. Limi. Jade. Mantra: HRUM. Solar Plexus. UPC KIN 96 PAG (Friday 1-15-2016) BLUE MAGNETIC HAND – Kin 27…
Wavespell of the White Wizard-10
Power of the Timelessness. From Jeanery 2 to 14. Ring Wizard 10. Year 2016 N S 1. 28. 6. 21. Silio. Gold. Mantra: HRAIM. Heart. UPC KIN 121 (Saturday 1-2-2016) WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD – KIN 14 WIZARD: Action: ENCHANT.…
Wavespell of the Red Dragon-10
Power of the Birth. (From December 20 to 2015 to January 1 to 2016-Year Wizard 10) N S 1. 28. 6. 8. Dali. Onyx. Mantra: OM. Crown. UPC KIN 98 (Sunday 12-20–2015)-RHYTHMIC SOLSTICE RED MAGNETIC DRAGON – KIN 1…
Wavespell of the Yellow Star-10
Power of the Elegance. (From 7 to 19 December 2015-Year Planetary Wizard) N S 1. 28. 5. 23. Seli. Obsidian. Mantra: HRAM. Root. UPC Kin 184 GAP (Monday 7-12-2015) YELLOW MAGNETIC STAR – Kin 248 STAR: Action: BEAUTIFY. Power:…
Wavespell of the Blue Eagle-10
Power of the Vision (From November 24 to December 6 to 2015 – Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 5. 10. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Third Eye. UPC Kin 80 (Tuesday 11-24-2015) BLUE MAGNETIC EAGLE- KIN 235 EAGLE:…
Wavespell of the White Wind-10
Power of the SPIRIT (From 11 to 23 November to 2015-Year 10 Wizard) N S 1. 28. 4. 25. Kali. Silver. Mantra: HRIM. Secret Center. UPC Kin 210 GAP (Wednesday 11-11-2015) WHITE MAGNETIC WIND-KIN 222-GAP WIND: Action: COMMUNICATE. Power: SPIRIT.…
Wavespell of the Red Moon-10
Power of the Universal Water (From October 29 to November 10-year 2015-Planetary Wizard) N S 1. 28. 4. 12. Alfa. Turquoise. Mantra: HRAUM. Throat. UPC Kin 62 (Thursday 10-29-2015) RED MAGNETIC MOON-KIN 209 MOON: Action: PURIFY. Power: UNIVERSAL WATER.…