Wavespell of the Red Dragon-06


N S 1. 25. 8. 7. Silio. Gold. Mantra: HRAIM. Heart (Tuesday 2-13-2013)

RED MAGNETIC DRAGON – Kin 1 – Galactic Activation Portal.

DRAGON: Action: NURTURE. Power: BIRTH. Essence: BEING.


The Magnetic Gate identifies the Purpose. Which is my goal?

There are 163 days left tot e beginning of the New Time on the 26-7-2013. We start with the genesis of the Dragon, which lasts 10 wavespells, a total of 130 days. Also with the kin 1, with the Wavespell of the Dragon, start the Red Castle of the East, Court of the Birth.  In this new Tzolkin, after 157 days, we will arrive to the Wavespell of the Earth, it will indicate the entrance to the new time, with the kin 164, the name is Galactic Yellow Seed, on the 26-7-2013. Now we are in the galactic moon of the Falcon, the second mystic moon of galactic abundance, from the seven mystic moons of preparation.  Since today there are 163 days left for the New Time on the descending calculation; at the same time we will count ascending from the kin 1 to 164. This way, every day, when we add the regressive count 163 and the kin of the day 1, we will always have 164.  We keep place, in the process of cubing the Earth, on the right side of the cube the color orange.  The Dragon is the seal number 1, the Wavespell of the Dragon is the number 1 of the Tzolkin, and the magnetic red Dragon, is the kin number 1.  When the Dragon arrives, we can be aware of the memories that he keeps in his first memory.  It is the warehouse, to nurture that needs to be nurture on the right moment.  It is the being that everybody has inside, it gets feed from the essential waters, and this water helps him to remember.  We are the great initiators, all the dragons say:  where a project wants to be headed to the light, we come to push it. When we live in a dragon day we can evoke the Old of the days, and with his admirable wisdom will help us to find the information we look for.  We all have some of this energy inside.  It can help us to understand, to connect with the origin of our being from the past, and with the destiny of the future; but we can´t forget that everything is here and now in the present.  The memories come when we have the enough spiritual strength to be able to accept them without blame or egos; the memories can evoke us other time and place, and even specific facts. It is a different way to be able to recognize our being, as a result of earlier personalities.  In these 13 days, it is good to connect with the interior Dragon to understand who we are, and what the spiritual way to follow is.  We can nurture and nurture us, because we live in relation with others.  The things I learn, others can get a benefit. If I have more than I need, I can nurture other people in need. We are brothers, and sons from the same God.  The Noosphere is waiting to share with us that information that the Dragon has kept.  The Noosphere is the mind of all the living beings in the planet.  In which way I nurture myself?  Do I look for the terrestrial or the spiritual?   Do I receive with humility the wisdom words of a friend?  Do I think I know everything, and I don’t need the help from others?  Am I scared of a memory from the past?  Do I believe in the evolutive process, in the possibility to born and reborn, to grow in conscience and wisdom?  Do I take advantage from the Dragon days to start new energies and projects?  Do I nurture in excess when I eat?  With the star of the New Time everything changes. A new way to live and see the life, is flourishing; we will not need material stuff, and we will not do the things we are doing.  See “The 20 Solar Seals, their evolutive process” https://ondaencantada.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/LOS-SELLOS-SOLARES-Un-proceso.evolutivo.pdff . DRAGON I NEED YOU, SHOW ME TO ASK, AND OBTAIN JUST THE NECESSARY. I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO NURTURE THE OTHERS WITH LOVE AND DEDICATION.  I WANT TO HEAR THE WORDS OF GOD IN MY HEART.  THE MOST IMPORTANT THING RIGHT NOW, IS THE NURTURE OF MYSELF. GOD, I WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE! REMEMBER YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME!


White by: María Teresa Rodríguez. Kin 94. mariateresamaya@gmail.com    www.ondaencantada.com

www.lawoftime.org    www.13lunas.net       www.portaldeconciencia.com


Translated by: Veronica Reyes, 13 Storm México.


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