(From 14 to 26 May – 2014 – Year 8 Seed)
N S 1. 26. 11. 13. Limi. Jade. Mantra: HRUM. Chakra: Plexus Solar. UPC Kin 214 (Wednesday 5-14-2014)
The Magnetic Gate identifies the Purpose. Which is my goal?
The Wavespell of the Yellow Warrior of ripens is the number 16 of the Tzolkin and the last of the South Yellow Castle of Giving, Court of Intelligence. We still are on the Spectral Moon of the Serpent of Liberation, see Noosletter in https://ondaencantada.com/2014/05/noosboletin-de-la-luna-espectral-de-la-serpiente-de-la-liberacion-no-49-espanol-english/ . On the Galactic Archetypes the Warrior is known as the Pathfinder.
It is the 16 Wavespell of the Yellow Warrior of ripening of the Tzolkin; sixth and last of the Monkey Genesis, and the fourth and last south Yellow Castle of Giving, Court of the Intelligence: Ripening the Star. Wavespell of the yellow Warrior, with the Pulsars, the Kin Poems… (Prepared every 13 days by Teresa Salvador, kin 151, Monkey 8 https://ondaencantada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16-ONDA-ENCANTADA-DEL-GUERRERO-AMARILLO.pdf ). This is the end of the fourth week of the Earth Wizard Seminary in Picarquin with the meditations 13 to 16, they talk about the fourth breathing, leave of the initiation, week four, meditation 13-16: Rinri Project: Time and biosphere, central curriculum: Synthesis and cultivating the mind, body and spirit. Meditation 16 https://ondaencantada.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16%C2%AA-MED.-Picarquin.-ENGLISH.pdf . The Red Queen has made some recommendations to connect for the next 144 days: «144 days for the Star Remembrance», see http://1320frequencyshift.wordpress.com/ .Day 53 of 144. Today we begin the Wavespell of the yellow Warrior, and for the next 13 days we will take conscience and see in what point we are involve with our own decisions to get better in our life of Warriors of light. Everybody has fights, more or less intense, in an interior level: important decisions that change our existence; and exterior: college, family, work, couple, children… This is the moment to open our eyes, and see our exterior, meditate about our situation and ask ourselves: What am I doing here? Am I happy? Am I conscious about the things I am living? Do I flow with the things that happen to me every day, or by contrary, I take control of my acts? What for I use my marvelous intelligence? Am I related to a boring routine or I made some significant changes to my decisions and posterior movements? Do I dare to fight my inner monsters? And where my ego appears, do I recognize it? Do I dialogue with it, showing it who is in charge of my life? We know the intelligence is for the humans, Warriors a last, we fight to learn about us, and from this very important aspect getting closer to our objective, the one we came to the Earth: Evolve in love and conscience until the ascension and illumination. Our goal is getting closer and become one to the Divinity. But the journey is long. The route is unknown. There are different tools, and some of them hurt us until we find the right ones. The learning is accompanied by a lot of births, journeys with no end in this illusory world. But without it, the achievements wouldn’t be enough to get to the final ending with God. There are a lot of circumstances, beliefs, theories… that we don’t understand about God and the evolution on Earth. Against the intelligence we have, we can’t reach the comprehension in this world and we need faith and hope. For that, the fight, the good one, the questioning, always begin with us. Before criticize or fight to others, look inside you to see if we posses something we doesn’t like. A Warrior is a real fighter. Has a clear idea of what he wants to reach and the goal of his battle, of course, he wants to win. For that, is important to remember that is not right to hurt the others and be the first to arrive. The fight always has tube «clean «, one to one, just this way; the results will be free of posterior responsibilities. Well we have to remember that every action gets a reaction, and it is important this reaction won’t be load with karmic debt to us. The spiritual intelligence could are to the interior little voice who clap to us or criticize us at acting. It is wellness or disgust that is left to our acts. The joy or sadness result to our acts is like the voice of the conscience that tells us we are in line or separate from the road of love. We are in every active time in the level of energies. From the Noosphere and Sun, we get information ready to pick up and be used correctly. The road is marked; we just have to find it to walk it. We know the ego, jalousie, the sadness, the doubt, the depression… Can harden our vision for a certain time, but with perseverance and personal work, we would see it and following it again. THE WARRIORS ARE RECOGNIZED BY THEY COURAGE AND SPIRITUAL STRENGTH. THE FIGHTS WE HAVE NOW ARE TO RECOGNIZE THE WAY TO GO, WHAT TO CREATE, WHOM TO LISTEN, I DESERVE MORE THAN OTHER, MY SON IS BETTER… IS THE EGO STILL DANCING AROUND US? IT POSSIBLE THAT THE WARRIOR ANTICIPATES THE THINGS AND ATTRACTS LIGHT TO HIS LIFE? GO ON!! YOU ARE A WARRIOR WITH THE DIVINE LIGHT!! WITH THIS, EVERYBODY WILL FOLLOW YOU!! YOU WILL WIN THE FINAL BATTLE!!! |
White by Maria Teresa Rodriguez. 3 Wizard. España. mariateresamaya@gmail.com www.ondaencantada.com www.lawoftime.org www.galacticspacebook.com
Translate by: Verónica Reyes, 13 Storm. México.