WAVESPELL OF THE BLUE STORM – 05 Power of Self-Generation (From August 15 to 27 2012-Año Blue Resonant Storm) N S 1. 25. 1. 21. Silio. Gold. Mantra: HRAIM (Wednesday 8-15-2012) MAGNETIC BLUE STORM – Kin 79 STORM:…
Categoría: Wavespell
Wavespell of the White Worldbridger-05
Power of the Death From day 3 to August 14 of 2012. Year Blue Resonant Storm N S 1. 25. 1. 8. Dali. Onyx. Mantra: OM. Crown (Thursday 8-2-2012) WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER-Kin 66 WORLDBRIDGER: Action: EQUALIZE. Power: DEATH. Essence:…
Wavespell of the Red Skywalker-05
WAVESPELL OF THE RED SKYWALKER-05 Power of the Space (From July 20, year 6 Wizard, to August 1, year 7 Storm) N S 1. 24. 13. 24. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Third Eye (Wednesday 7-20-2012) RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER…
Wavespell of the Blue Hand-05
WAVESPELL OF THE BLUE HAND – 05 Power of Accomplishment (From June 24 to July 6 2012 – 6 Wizard Year) N S 1. 24. 12. 26. Alfa. Turquoise. Mantra: HRAUM. Throat (Sunday 6-24-2012) BLUE MAGNETIC HAND – Kin…
Wavespell of the White Wizard -05
POWER OF THE TIMELESSNESS (From day 11 to June 23 of 2012 – Year Wizard 6) N S 1. 24. 12. 13. Limi. Jade. Mantra: HRUM. Solar Plexus (Monday June 11, 2012) WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARD – Kin 14 WIZARD:…